Monday, 27 December 2010

27/12/10 - ten commandments

27/12/10 - a to do list for the year ahead. hopefully by leaving it here i'll remember to take another look in a years' time, and be able to check them all off.

I) make more time for people that matter
I miss the studio - everyone is so busy and far away now. but that's no excuse. And I've spent years meaning to catch up with good friends from back home.

Same goes for the family - round of 'charudes', anyone?

II) make more time for art
I'm falling into the trap of working full time and practising less. Lots of ideas, just need the time.

III) enjoy work
-  whenever possible. I'm lucky to have the job I'm in, and the next few months will be stressful but invaluable.
Of course, there is lots of work that is unnecessary, boring, (and generally enemy of the anarchist) In this case, its important to 'work' on good things - writing, art, music, and so forth.

IV) ..moan less
I do moan. I'm not actually that bitter at all, I'm quite happy. I have just realised that moaning is an incredibly theraputic addiction.

V) make unholy noise
Drums and guitar - you will be my bitches!

VI) cook more
There are so many recipes on my to-do list. 2011 will mark my 1st vegan birthday (and 5th or 6th veggie, I lose count) and I have never eaten healthier, tastier, cheaper, and more interesting stuff. 

VII) get more ink
It's time to get that sleeve i've been planning for years.

VIII) go handmade
Zines zines zines - definitely want to make some big progress with these this year.

Also - clothes, accessories, and anything else. It seems the shops just serve up an increasingly samey, bland and irritating selection of 'fashionable' nonsense that makes me sad. 
My sister has also inspired this one - the science geek has some mad skillz with a sewing machine. 
Everyone should not look the same.

IX) read more
This should constantly be on everyone's to do list. No exceptions. There is so much still to learn, experience and share. Plus, this will also significantly help me to...

X) ...become more 'responsible'
Ethically, politically, environmentally, socially. Perhaps informed, or aware, or active is what I'm getting at, rather than just 'responsible'. 'Veganarchism' is definitely something to learn about more this year.


This year I also plan to evolve into a twelve-legged octopus and take over the country with my massive sparkly tentacles. that is all!

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